- Bromley020 8290 0333
Chislehurst Commons Open Day
Judge & Priestley have sponsored the Chislehurst Commons Open Day on Saturday 15th October.
The event, hosted by the Trustees of the Commons, will be held at the Old Chapel, Queens Passage, just off Chislehurst High Street.
Call in any time between 10-4pm to discover the fascinating history of the Commons (which has been protected by law for over 130 years) and how the Trustees manage and maintain the privately owned land on behalf of the community. There is no admission charge and there will be free refreshments on offer as well as a craft activity for children.
Head Keeper Jonathan Harvie will be offering guided tours of nearby Prickend Pond at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 2.30pm.
Please show your support for this local charity that does so much to preserve Chislehurst’s rural charm.
For further information please contact Nita Newsome on nnewsome@judge-priestley.co.uk or call 0208 290 7425.