- Bromley020 8290 0333
Judge & Priestley Obtain Alternative Business Structure (ABS) Status
Partners at Judge & Priestley Solicitors, which has been licensed by the SRA as an ABS
As of 1 May 2016, Judge and Priestley Solicitors in Bromley Kent has been approved and granted the licence by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to operate as an ABS.
Steven Taylor, Managing Partner of the 11-partner run firm commented “These are extremely exciting times for our business and becoming an ABS allows us to embrace changes to enable us to expand the business and move with the times. There are many advantages to becoming an ABS, traditionally firms of solicitors had to be owned and managed by solicitors, but by moving forward to ABS status this now allows non-solicitor employees to become owners of the business. This will ensure that we retain and attract highly skilled and talented individuals with a variety of skills and experience to continue to drive our business forward. ”
Established for over 125 years, Judge and Priestley based in Bromley has 11 partners, currently offering a wide range of services to individuals, businesses and specialist expertise in all aspects property. The firm also has a well-established debt recovery division – JP Credit Solutions which provides debt recovery solutions to all business large and small including pre litigation, claims and all aspects of enforcement.
Steven added “We place a great deal of emphasis on our service offering to our clients and client care is paramount to what we do, becoming an ABS will enable us to become even more business focused with the ability to diversify and offer a wider range of services to our clients. Ultimately within the ever competitive environment, it’s about J&P being able to offer more choices at competitive prices whilst maintaining our high standards of quality.”
If you have any queries please contact Nita Newsome on 0208 290 7425 or email nnewsome@judge-priestley.co.uk.